Wednesday, November 23, 2016

November 23

Today I am thankful for warm fires and coffee.

 I never have to worry about going cold in this weather because I have a roof over my head. I have a home in which I can keep warm. And it's cozy. I need to work on not complaining about the house not being clean or how much laundry I do because honestly, there are people who don't have those things. I have a home to clean, clothes to wear, heat in my home, air in the summer, electricity for convenience and water to shower.
 When I was in Colombia, those things all came to have such a greater value to me because I saw so many without. Returning back to the day to day, there are moments that those memories from Colombia can be far removed in that sense. (The people are forever close to my heart, but sometimes I lose a bit of the gratitude I found when there.)

    And also, to throw into the mix of all of that, I am thankful for coffee. I joke that I might turn in to a cup of coffee one day because of how much I consume. Once I was a barista, and I guess you can take the barista out of the coffee shop, but you can never take the coffee shop out of the barista. Coffee is to me a place to gather with my friends, a long sip of waking up, a moment of escaping into quiet, finding warmth on a cold day, and stress relief. I love coffee and I am thankful for it.

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