Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Hello, 2017

Gone are the more reflective moments of 2016 and here are the days of looking towards to future of 2017. Of course, by now you likely realize that I am a goal setter all the time.
 I love creating lists and thinking about how I want to become better in my life. I don't always succeed, but a large part of growth is the journey towards the destination. 
  So, that being said, I have many goals in mind for the year. I literally get excited about these. I have spiritual goals,  fitness goals and personal goals and financial goals and family goals. I enjoy sitting down and thinking about these not just at the beginning of the year, but all year long. We never know what the next day may hold, let alone the rest of the year. I don't like to call them New Year's resolutions because honestly, it's more than that to me.
  But each year, I choose a word to define the year. This seemed like a strange idea to me the first time I heard of it, but it has grown on me every year since. In 2016, I had the word Strong and it became a significant journey.
  When I thought about my word for this year, I thought about how I want my year to play out (if it could be my way, of course, which isn't always reality!)
 So my word for this year is
 Vivacious is defined as : happy and lively in a way that is attractive. Full of energy and good spirits. Lively, spirited, bubbly, sparkling, lighthearted, cheerful, full of fun. 

 I like the idea of all of those words. But the biggest reason I chose this word is that as I thought about my year, I thought about the fact that I want to live life fully this year. Often times I have sat back quietly. Or my pensive, serious self hides the laughter that really is bubbling inside of me. The silly part of me gets pushed aside by the delicate life issues that need to be handled. 
 But really, I think God has made me someone fun. Yes, I have a very serious side. But really, I love to enjoy life. And how often have I let my enjoyment and my vivaciousness get shelved? How many times have I said no or backed down from the woman He has made me because I feared the results? 
 My faith will be bigger than my fears this year, Lord willing.
  My smile will outshine tears that sometimes fall.
My determined heart will inspire others. 
  My light that He has given me will shine brighter for His glory because I am living life fully. 

 I learned that the root of the word is Latin and it means "To Live" 
 So as I enter into 2017, I want vivacious to define the year. Not because I am someone super great, but because it is time to live life fully. I will take chances. I will dance like no one is watching and sing like others are not listening. I will laugh instead of cry. I will pray instead of worry. I will seek God instead of others. I will love deeply and let go of hurts. I will get rid of things I don't need and spend more time with people than I spend money on things. I will live in the moment instead of being consumed by a list of to-dos. I will work hard but not be defined by my career. I will follow dreams. I will grow deeper in who I am. In my faith. In my fitness. In my family. And in my friendships.  
    Will I be perfect at this? Absolutely not. I know that I have a long way to go in my life in order to become more of this vivacious person. But she's in there. And I cannot wait to see how the year may unfold with opportunities and ways to live life more fully - Vivacious. 

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