Sunday, October 27, 2013


" Come to me all you who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you rest." Matt. 11:28

Much is to be said about and for the aspect of rest. It's almost ironic to write a blog about it, really. Nonetheless, it's what I am learning and what's on my heart, so it's what I write. I will, however, strive to be as brief as possible.

 We Americans, especially  those of us who are "working" moms, tend to lose out on rest. Everything is in high demand to be done now, right away, at everyone's beck and call.
  However, we cannot do that without also including rest in our lives…..somehow.

I will be the first to say I stink at this. I don't rest well.
  I don't sleep enough hours.
 I am up early, and I go all day long. I don't sit still. If I'm on the couch, I am generally folding laundry or writing a note or doing emails or SOMETHING. It's ridiculous really. But it's partially my fault. I love to do things for people.
   Text are immediate response.  Emails come to the phone. I work on a persons drink before they even speak what it is...And the list goes on….  Even my decompress time in life is RUNNING!

 Lately, God has been speaking to me the words REST.
  It came a bit forceable, I admit. It came because I got very sick. And yes, I pushed through even that, not even resting to get better as I should. However, in that occurrence, it has caused me to pause more and really ponder this topic. It's on my heart. I am learning it. And while I don't have it figured out, I am striving to embrace it.

  Really be quiet.
  Earnestly seek God.
  Stop all the extra activity.
  Take time to enjoy what matters.

He wants to fill me up so I can in turn pour out His love into others. But I can't do that when I'm totally expended. So He is teaching me to R.E.S.T.
 Really be quiet. Get up. Pray. Read His word. Soak in the silence. Silence will rebuild my tired body and heart and mind.
 Earnestly seek God. Pray. But don't just pray and then rush on. Pray. Stop. Wait for His beckoning back to me. Listen. Listen to what He is telling me.
 Stop all the extra activity. Sometimes this isn't practical. Other times, it has to be practiced. Take a break from running, take a break from lunch dates and emails and (yes, blogs, even).
 Take time to enjoy what really matters. In all the chaos of being so busy, I miss out on laughs with the kids, conversations with my husband, opportunities to see God in the every day moments.

 We have to take breaks so that we can be rebuilt physically (and not be sick), emotionally (and not have total meltdowns over spilled coffee beans…I may or may not have had that moment), and most importantly- spiritually (and not be so busy we drown out what God is teaching and showing).

 I'm far from mastering this. It is really hard for me, to be honest. But I'm working on it…one day at a time.
   "Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

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