Friday, June 29, 2012

Becoming Grateful, post 2

Becoming grateful sometimes is more challenging than I thought it could be. But it is really neat to see what comes along as well. Some moments it is something so small. And other moments, it is a much larger "gift". So, here are 7 things I have found over the last week.
 1. Lightning bugs.
 2. A beautiful sunrise on my way in to work.
 3. A handful of friends i can be 100% honest with all the time. And they love me anyway.
 4. Playing hide and seek with my kids.
 5.Cuddling on the couch with my husband every evening. This is a gift after 5 years of working opposite schedules.
6. A heat wave. While most people are complaining about this heat wave, I am really enjoying it. I love the heat.
 7. A rainstorm in the midst of the heat wave. Thunderstorms are soothing.

I am learning a lot in this week I'll have more to share about what I'm learning.

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